Marine & Offshore Services

Marine and offshore structures require a distinct design due to their operating environment (salt-water/wave loads/hydrostatic pressure). Detailed structural analysis including highly dynamic analysis for large nonlinear displacement, fluid-structure interaction, advanced boundary conditions, hydrodynamic & hydroacoustic analysis, seakeeping and motion analyses, Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, FEMS Regulatory (ABS, USCG, API) compliance, Barge energy efficiency optimization, sea trials support, vibration and fracture analysis, design-optimization, lifecycle estimation and compliance with marine industrial code. Our highly skilled simulation experts have years of experience in supporting our clients in such comprehensive analysis and would be happy to explore new challenges in this domain.

A logo of trident maritime systems


  • Ship Structures: Stress and failure analysis (ship hulls, deck structure, bulkheads, transverse webs and longitudinal members), collision analysis
  • Marine Structures: Mooring, DP systems, offshore platforms, floating oil and gas platforms
  • Component Analysis: Metal plasticity, component buckling, static fracture, high/low-cyclic fatigue, yielding, cycle dependent creep analysis
  • Oil & Gas: Reservoir geomechanics, pipe-soil interaction, pipeline walking, riser fatigue modeling, SURF design and optimization, subsea analysis tools, etc.
A green bent pipe with a black background
A computer model of the end of a long pole.
A 3 d image of the side of a building
A diagram of the process of 3 d printing.
A computer generated image of a boat in the water.
A group of kites flying in the sky.


  • Hydrodynamics: Free surface flows, hull resistance, hull slamming, seakeeping & maneuverability, wave impact loading (whipping & springing), mooring
  • Propulsion: Propeller cavitation, propulsion effects (propeller-rudder interaction)
  • Hydro-acoustics: Cavitating noise, non-cavitating noise
  • Offshore Structures: Vortex induced vibration (in-line, cross flow, hybrid), vortex induced motion, exhaust plume dispersion, aerodynamics of deck structures
  • Vessel/Ship: Wind loading on vessel, LNG tank sloshing


  • Magnetic Signature and Cathodic Protection: Corrosion protection, de-perming, motion-induced eddy currents
  • Power Systems: Motors, generators, transformers and reactors
  • Material Test: Non-Destructive Test (NDT), Magnetic Flux Leakage, Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG)

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